
Duane Paulson

For as long as I can remember my eye has been searching out compositions. I have been recording these compositions on film for forty years and even after all that time photography still has that magical quality that keeps me working. I work with four sizes of film, 120 roll film and sheet film in 4x5, 5 x 7 and 8 x 10, but most of my exposures are made with  the 5 x 7 and the 8 x 10 cameras so that I can contact print if possible. Contact print edge imprints are trimmed, so 5 x 7 contact will be about 4.5 by 6.5  and 8 x 10 will be about 7.5 by 9.5. I do all the developing, printing on silver gelatin paper, mounting, framing etc. myself. All prints are processed, printed and framed to archival standards and are signed and numbered on the mount.

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aspen_grove lily_pads-log small_falls aspen_trunks stjohns_sem
Aspen Grove Lily Pads and Log Small Falls, Presque Isle River Aspen Trunks St John's Seminary Bldg
lighthouse_stairs stanthony_dunes second_story orchids curve
Lighthouse Stairs St Anthony Dunes Second Story Door Orchids Curve
cabin cedar_roots stjohns_church sand_dunes2 rock_detail
Cabin Cedar Roots St John's Church Sand Dunes #2 Rock Detail and Leaf
bluebead_lily building1 country_church reflections ferns
Bluebead Lily Building #1 Country Church Reflections Ferns

Robert Wilde Studios Copyright 1997-2008  Last Rev. 5-10-08