Robert Wilde Personal Portfolio

Robert Wilde:
Beyond Portrait

arms i arms ii cairn faded memory flight

Arms I

Arms II


Faded Memory


gaze one gaze two gaze two(detail) dissolution of form head1

Gaze One

Gaze Two

Gaze Two (detail)

Dissolution of Form

DOF, Head1

head2 head3 head4 head5 interior mask

DOF, Head 2

DOF, Head 3

DOF, Head 4

DOF, Head 5

Internal Masque

joy, bloom and brilliance joy, detail rebekah in reflection reflections part 1 reflections part 2

Joy, Bloom and Brilliance

J, B & B - detail

Rebekah in Reflection

Reflections Part 1

Reflections Part 2

silconv skindeep untitled alabaster 1 untitled alabaster 2 they each look out their own window

Silent Conversations

Skin Deep

Untitled Alabaster left view

Untitled Alabaster right view

They Each Look Out
Their Own Window

Back to Sculpture Portfolios

Robert Wilde BFA, MA., Dassel, MN 55325   (320) 275-3403  Contact Robert Wilde Studios
72748 220th St, Dassel, MN 55325
Robert Wilde Studios copyright 1996-2015 last rev. 11-5-20
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